Definition of "ingluviotomy"
plural ingluviotomies
Surgery on the ingluvies or crop.
The ingluvial content was removed by ingluviotomy and analyzed.
1993, J.T. Lumeij, Ina Westerhof, T. Smit, T. J. Spierenburg, “Diagnosis and treatment of Poisoning in Raptors from the Netherlands”, in Patrick Thomas Redig, John E. Cooper, J. David Remple, D. Bruce Hunter, editors, Raptor Biomedicine, page 234
Ingluviotomy may be indicated for determination of crop masses (neoplasia, food impaction, and foreign bodies), repair damaged tissue (especially from predator bite wounds and infection,) and to gain access to the thoracic esophagus.
2014, Cheryl B. Greenacre, Teresa Y. Morishita, Backyard Poultry Medicine and Surgery, page 230
Commonly indicated for treatment of sour crop (Fig. 11-11, A), an ingluviotomy is done to retrieve crop calculi, ingluvioliths, or foreign bodies (which are not accessible per os) or to retrieve proventricular or ventricular foreign bodies (using micromagnets [glued in place within plastic tubes], lavage, or endoscopy) and for the placement of an ingluviotomy or proventriculotomy tube or the collection of crop wall biopsies.
2015, Jaime Samour, Avian Medicine, page 297