when I was young I did seeke to serue, both in England, Fraunce, and Scotland, to that end I might the better doo my Prince and Countrye seruice, and also to sustaine myselfe, who otherwaies was not able to liue as I did desire to doo: wheras I learned to know the vse of most weapons of warre both for Horsemen and footmen, that are or haue beene vsed in this age, with as good Schoolemaisters as any Italian, Spaniard or Wallon whatsoeuer, hath been or now is.
1593±1, Humfrey Barwick, A breefe discourse, concerning the force and effect of all manuall weapons of fire and the disability of the long bowe or archery, in respect of others of greater force now in vse. With sundrye probable reasons for the verrifying therof: the which I haue doone of dutye towards my soueraigne and country, and for the better satisfaction of all such as are doubtfull of the same., London