Definition of "begynne"
Furst in the rembemberance of god and of the faith of his holy Churche, with the which thing euery Christyan prince hath nede to begynne, Secondly of some condicions and demeanours necessarie in euery prince both for his honour and for the suertie of his contynewanunce, Thirdly of the tree of common welth which tochith people of euery degre, of the condicions and demeanours which thei should be off.
1509, The Tree of Commonwealth -- a treatise written by Edmund Dudley Minister to King Henry the VII whilst he was in Prison, in the first year of King Henry ye VIII
He that desyreth eur thynges newe For to begynne amonge poore men all Perauenture he maye it ones sore rewe Whan he cometh before God eternall There to be juged in sentence fynall Where after his deserte he shall haue mede Yf he have done well ryght well he shall spede.
1518, The Grete Shyppe of Fooles of This Worlde
And the xvi. day of Januarii, before the byshoppe of Sent Asse, doctor Standyche, and doctor Ally, and other offeceres belongynge vn-to the sayd legate dyd begynne their visitacioun at the Obseruanttes of Grenwych, and thenne was departyd many of them vn-to other placys;
1556, Chronicon Ab anno 1189 AD 1556, Ex Registro Fratrum Minorum Londoniae (Chronicle From the Register of the Grey Friars of London)