Definition of "brassica"
plural brassicas or brassicae
Any of many plants of the genus Brassica, including cabbage, mustard and rapes
The destruction of the roots of brassicae by the Cabbage Root Fly and the tunnels in carrots and onions caused by the larvae of the Carrot and Onion Flies respectively, usually followed by rotting of the affected plants, are very frequently observed, whereas in the past, measures for the control of these pests have been very inadequate. […] When visited on June 13 over 50 per cent. of the brassicae were attacked by cabbage root maggot and many had already been transplanted.
1930, Welsh Journal of Agriculture, pages 296 and 340
Some brassicae, particularly cauliflower, kale and swedes, may show symptoms similar to boron deficiency which are due to other causes. […] It has been found that seed dressings of molybdate are effective in overcoming molybdenum deficiency in peas and beans and it was suggested that a similar technique should also be tried with brassicae.
1957, Technical Bulletin, pages 145 and 213