Definition of "oinochoe"
plural oinochoes or oinochoai or oinochoae
The absence of brush marks and the disposition of glaze suggests that these oinochoae were glazed by dipping: the vessels would have been gripped between two fingers, held upside down, and immersed in glaze solution.
1978, Crawford H[allock] Greenewalt, Jr., Ritual Dinners in Early Historic Sardis (University of California Publications: Classical Studies; volume 17), University of California Press, page 15
Moreover, there are some Rhodian oinochoae with a long neck and a trefoil mouth similar to that of the Pitane oinochoe, but with a different body.
2008, Dirk Brandherm, Martin Trachsel, editors, A New Dawn for the Dark Age?: Shifting Paradigms in Mediterranean Iron Age Chronology, Archaeopress, page 34
Chios produced bird oinochoae covered with the same whitish or pale brown slip (Boardman 1967: 142 pl. 48.548) typical of south-Ionian bird oinochoae but not otherwise found on north-Ionian products.
2017, Alexander Vacek, “Al Mina and changing patterns of trade: the evidence from the eastern Mediterranean”, in Xenia Charalambidou, Catherine Morgan, editors, Interpreting the Seventh Century BC: Tradition and Innovation, Archaeopress, page 55