Definition of "payline"
plural paylines
(gambling) A line of symbols on a slot machine (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) that can win a jackpot.
Much like bingo, the multiple payline machines give slots players various directions that can turn them into a winner. The single payline machine has one line across the machine, which shows where the reels must line up for a winning combination to be paid. The multiple payline machine, on the other hand, has three or five lines, depending upon the machine, which give players more winning positions on the reels.
2012, Avery Cardoza, Winning Casino Play, page 11
The disadvantages in multi-payline machines are that the smaller payoffs are usually very small, much smaller than on one-payline machines, and also that the top jackpot is usually paid only if you line up the proper winning symbols in the correct sequence on the bottom, or third, payline. Or the fifth payline in case of the five-line machines, or the eighth payline in case of the eight-line machines, and so on — basically, if you don't play all the paylines you cannot win the jackpotl
2014, Victor H. Royer, Powerful Profits From Slots, page 42
A criterion score used by an organization that gives grants to determine which applications are good enough to be given money.
I should be quite happy. And I am certainly happier than those whose scores fell below the payline and who will not get funding. But I wrote several proposals to get that one funded, turning the process into a kind of lottery -- the more you play, the butter your chances (which is actually not true; it's just the only option).
2016, Stuart Firestein, Failure: Why Science is So Successful, page 189
The minimum salary associated with a pay grade.
A modification, using larger intergrade differentials between the lower grades and with differentials gradually decreasing in size as the payline moved upward through higher grades, solved both problems--providing more nearly competitive rates at GS-5 and GS-7 and a GS-18 rate which was much lower and more reasonable in the Federal context.
1969, United States Department of Defense, Modernizing military pay, page 89
As shown by the Table above, the average of the private enterprise PATC payline intergrade differential is 18.6%. The application of that average 18.6% as a constant differential would provide, of course, a payline literally conforming to the requirement that “pay distinctions be maintained in keeping with work and performance distinctions” within the classified service schedule.
1975, Congressional Serial Set - Volume 13072, page 19
(civil engineering) The planned limit of an excavation, beyond which a contractor is not paid for any excavation work.
A contractor is paid for excavating a certain amount of rock when constructing a tunnel; the line drawn in a cross section of the tunnel that defines this limit of excavation is called the payline (fig. 12). Any material excavated outside the payline is defined as overbreak, and a contractor is not paid for excavating that material.
1981, Geological Survey Professional Paper - Volume 831, Part 3, page C-11