Definition of "peri-urban"
comparative more peri-urban, superlative most peri-urban
Immediately adjoining an urban area; between the suburbs and the countryside.
Although Lusaka is the smallest town in Lusaka Province and one of the smallest in the nation, it has the biggest population and largest growth rates, and there is pressure from in-migration and growth in peri-urban settlements.
2010, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Solid Waste Management in the World's Cities: Water and Sanitation in the World's Cities 2010, Earthscan, page 66
In this respect, Yuxi represents an intermediate case, between the encompassing model of residence-based citizenship being created in peri-urban communities around Changsha and the gender exclusivity of Fuzhou villages.
2011, Sally Sargeson, Song Yu, “Gender, Citizenship, and Agency in Land Development”, in Tamara Jacka, Sally Sargeson, editors, Women, Gender and Development in Rural China, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, page 43
“We would expect peri-urban land to be more fertile than average land, as mankind tends to settle where crops can be produced,” says Felix Creutzig from the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change in Berlin, and principal author on the paper.
2016 December 27, Emma Bryce, “Growing mega-cities will displace vast tracts of farmland by 2030, study says”, in The Guardian