[T]ryly for the Engliſheman to bee offended with the admixtion of Latine, or the Latine manne to miſlike the poutheryng of Greke, appereth vnto me a moche like thing, as if at a feaſt with varietee of good meates and drinkes furniſhed, one that loueth to feede of a Capon, ſhould take diſpleaſure that an other man hath appetite to a Coney, […]Referring to a sprinkling of Greek words in a Latin text.
1564 February, Nicolas Udall [i.e., Nicholas Udall], “Nicolas Vdall vnto the Gentle and Honeste Harted Readers Well to Fare”, in Erasmus, translated by Nicolas Udall, Apophthegmes, that is to Saie, Prompte, Quicke, Wittie and Sentẽcious Saiynges, […], London: […] Ihon Kingston