Definition of "tureen"
plural tureens
A broad, deep serving dish used for serving soup or stew.
The tureens and stands are variously marked with the date letters for 1726 and 1728, with the charge and discharge marks for the fermier-générals Charles Condier (1722-1726) and Jacques Cortin (1726-1732) and with their weights.
1983, Gillian Wilson, Selections from the Decorative Arts in the J. Paul Getty Museum, page 22
But the metal tureen cannot just have been an import from the eastern Mediterranean area or from the Carpathian basin, because the style horizon of the Tiefstich pottery tureens with pendant triangles on the shoulder did not penetrate as far as that, nor do we know of any vessels there, pottery or precious metal ones, which show a similarity with these.
2009, Jan Albert Bakker, The TRB West Group: Studies in the Chronology and Geography of the Makers of Hunebeds and Tiefsttich Pottery, page 125