Definition of "tyme"
countable and uncountable, plural tymes
in the ſaid Leafe did promyſe and Covenante to and wth the ſaid Giles Allen to build in & vpon the demiſed [premiſſes 4-3] buildings for Tenementes to be errected vpon the premiſſes the ſome of two hundrethe poundes and the ſame to be done and fyniſhed by a certain tyme [5-9]
1588, Ffraunces Morgan, Chancery Procedings, Series II, 222/83
the saide John Combe, his heires and assignes, shall and will, from tyme to tyme, and at all tymes herafter, well and sufficientlie save and keepe harmles and indempnified as well the saide fowre yardes of errable lande
1602, William Combe, John Combe, “The original Conveyance of over a hundred acres of land from William and John Combe to Shakespeare”, in Shakespeare Estate Records
And the newe elected Deputie Governor and Assistants, and all other officers to be hereafter chosen as aforesaide from Tyme to Tyme, to take the Oathes to their places respectivelie belonging, before the Governor of the said Company for the Tyme being, vnto which said Governor, Deputie Governor, and assistants
1629, Charter of Massachusetts Bay