Definition of "vidder"
plural vidders
Old school vidders created these forms of post-modern art using a VCR; today more and more vids are being created using video software such as Adobe premiere and imovie.
2006, Rochelle Mazar, “Slash Fiction/Fanfiction”, in Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Jeremy Hunsinger, Peter Pericles Trifonas, editors, The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments, Springer, page 1148
In his desire to differentiate vidders' multi-layered work from MTV's commercial, iconographic aesthetic, Jenkins asserts: “fan video is first and foremost a narrative art” (233).
2010, Kim Middleton, “Alternate Universes on Video: Fanvid and the Future of Narrative”, in Heather Urbanski, editor, Writing and the Digital Generation: Essays on New Media Rhetoric, McFarland & Company, page 121
In a similar vein, another vidder, who made several Lianca videos, wrote that “I would just hear a song and start seeing clips. I would be driving down the road and it would just hit.”
2011, Eve Ng, “Reading the Romance of Fan Cultural Production: Music Videos of a Television Lesbian Couple”, in Gail Dines, Jean M. Humez, editors, Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Critical Reader, SAGE Publications, published 2008, page 560